The SAMA5D27 is a very capable 500Hz ARM Cortex A5 (Arm v7) microprocessor from Microchip. It is a system-on-a-chip (SoC) with many peripherals and is also available as a system-in-package (SIP) integrated with DDR2 or LPDDR2 RAM. It will run Linux or the Apache NuttX RTOS.
- SAMA5D27 datasheet
- SAMA5D27 SIP datasheet
- Boards
- SAMA5D2-XULT from Microchip (has JTAG connector)
- Groboards Giant Board (no JTAG connector)
- ACME RoadRunner module and carrier board (no JTAG connector, but JTAG pins are available on the board-to-board connectors)